Qualifying Examination Application for the Doctoral Program, 2nd Semester of the 2024-2025 Academic Year

學科考試規定:Regulations for qualifying examination:
(限當學期有註冊者)Qualification for application: Students must apply for qualifying examination during the semester in which they have earned a cumulative total of 30 credits, as specified in the criteria for graduation. (Limited to those who have registered for the current semester)
2.申請時間:必考科每學年第二學期開學後第二週申請,選考科每學期開學後第二週申請(本學期為2月24日~2月27日)Application period: The compulsory subject must be scheduled during the second week of the second semester in each academic year, while elective subjects can be scheduled during the second week of each semester.
(本學期為5月5日、7日及9日)Examination dates: Examinations are held during the 12th week of each semester; each subject lasts for 4–6 hours and is completed over the course of 3 days.  (This semester’s examination dates are May 5, May 7, and May 9.)
申請表下載,點選「計畫前」Click “計畫前Before Proposal” to download the application form:https://www.spe.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/common-regulations-for-graduate-students/



For relevant regulations, please refer to the Academic Regulations for the English Taught Doctoral Program


5.如需考古題請洽詢系辦For archaeological questions, please contact the Department Office

6.補充資訊Additional information

6-1.本校行事曆Academic Calendar: https://www.aa.ntnu.edu.tw/zh_tw/Calender

6-2.本校學術論文暨專書獎助辦法National Taiwan Normal University Incentive Policy for Publication of Academic  Theses and Books:https://www.acad.ntnu.edu.tw/3admiss/recruit.php?Sn=154



  1. 111年1月4日110學年度第3次系所務會議修正通過「必考科得以SCISSCIQ1Q2TSSCI1級論著發表取代,選考科得以SCISSCIAHCIEITSSCITHCIEconLitScopus等級之論著取代」、「申請以論著發表取代資格必考科者,必須選考2科均通過者,方能申請」。

Amended and approved in the 3rd Meetings of Academic affairs of the 2020–2021 academic year on January 4, 2022: “The alternative of compulsory subject can be published in journals in the Science Citation Index(SCI), Q1 or Q2 of Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and first work in the Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index (TSSCI). The elective subject can be replaced by the publication in journals in the Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), Engineering Index (EI), Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index (TSSCI), Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI), EconLit, or Scopus.”and “The order of publishing papers as an alternative is as follows: two elective subjects and compulsory subject.”.

  1. 依據112年10月17日112學年度第2次系所務會議決議,調整博士班學科考試規定,必考科改為每學年僅於第二學期辦理考試申請,選考科維持第一學期和第二學期均受理考試申請。此規定適用於尚未通過學科考試必考科的博士生,請務必留意並據以安排個人之修業規劃。

According to the 2nd Dept. Meeting of the 2023–2024 academic year on October 17, 2023, the adjustment about the compulsory subject of qualifying examination of the doctoral program changes to be only scheduled during the second semester of each academic year, while elective subjects can be scheduled during the second week of each semester.

This regulation is applied to all the doctoral student who has not passed the compulsory subject of qualifying examination. Please note this for future personal academic plans.