圖書室 Library

If you wish to borrow a book, please visit the webpage of the NTNU Library.
Confirm that the book is in the library collection and check the location of the book. If the book is stored at SPE, GIRC, or the Special Education Center, please visit the SPE Library to retrieve it and complete the loan and other follow-up procedures, if any.
95.12.19 九十五學年度第四次系務會議通過
113.5.7 112學年度第七次系務會議修正通過
第一條 | 為便於本系所師生利用圖書室,充分發揮圖書室之功能,特定訂本要則。 |
第二條 | 本系所之圖書借出,以本校全體教職員生為對象。一般大眾可在圖書室中閱覽。 |
第三條 | 本校教職員生於借用圖書時,一律出示相關證明證件,無證者,恕不外借。 |
第四條 | 圖書之借閱冊數與期限 1. 專(兼)任教師:六十冊、三個月 2. 研究生:六十冊、二個月 3. 大學部學生、助教、職員、專案助理、工友:三十冊、一個月 4. 校友、退休人員、進修推廣部學分班學員:十冊、一個月 5. 其他身份人員:五冊、一個月 |
第五條 | 所借圖書若無其它讀者預約,可辦理續借,以一次為限。 |
第六條 | 中西文期刊、學報、集刊、測驗彙編、中西文字典及有限借標誌之書籍等,限圖書室內參閱,不得出借。 |
第七條 | 錄影帶、錄音帶、幻燈片、光碟,以本系所教師因教學需要優先借用為原則,以三部為限,借期二週;研究生及大學部學生,以二部為限,借期一週。其他人士僅能在圖書室參考,不得借出。 |
第八條 | 圖書借閱逾期未還者,每冊每日罰以新台幣五元整計算。 |
第九條 | 教學碩士班學員因主要借閱時間集中於暑假,請系圖工讀生於暑假結束之前整理學員借書狀況,轉交各班導師協助催還。 |
第十條 | 借出圖書如有遺失或污損情事,借書人需賠償原書,如無法購得原書,依下列方式處理: 1. 在徵得本室同意後,以該書之新版圖書抵償,但其價格不得低於原借圖書市價。 2. 以現金賠償之,其計價方式依序為: o 以本室記錄之購入價格,依物價指數換算其時價後之三倍賠償之。 o 無法查得購入價格者,以頁數計價,中文圖書每頁三元,外文圖書每頁十元;無法查得頁數者,每冊一律以三百頁計算。 2. 套書或叢書中之一冊,依前項以現金賠償之方式計價後,加倍賠償。 3. 任何方式之賠償,每冊圖書需另計處理費新台幣壹佰元整。 4. 以現金賠償者,應於掛失後兩週內完成賠償手續;以圖書賠償者,國內出版資料應於掛失後兩週內,國外出版資料應於掛失後四個月內完成賠償手續;逾期辦理者,視同逾期還書,加計逾期罰鍰。 |
第十一條 | 本系所圖書室開放時間每學期公告。非開放時間,謝絕進入。 |
第十二條 | 進入圖書室時,請將私人物品放入置物櫃。 |
第十三條 | 本管理要則經由系所務會議通過後實施之,修正時亦同。 |
The Chinese version shall prevail in case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese version. |
Department of Special Education / Graduate Institute of
Rehabilitation Counseling and Gerontological Wellbeing
National Taiwan Normal University
Library Management Policy
First announcement at the 6th departmental meeting of Academic Year 1997/1998
Revised at the 2nd departmental meeting of Academic Year 1999/2000
Revised at the 2nd departmental meeting of Academic Year 2002/2003
Revised at the 4th departmental meeting of Academic Year 2006/2007 on December 19, 2006
Amended and revised at the 1st departmental meeting of Academic Year 2015/2016 on September 15, 2015
Amended and revised at the 7th departmental meeting of Academic Year 2023/2024 on May 07, 2024
Article 1
These management policy has been established in order to facilitate the use of the library by the faculty and students of the Department and to maximize the benefits of the facility.
Article 2
All faculty members and students of NTNU are eligible to loan books from the library.
The general public may browse the books and resources in the library.
Article 3
All faculty, staff, and students of NTNU are required to present their ID cards when borrowing books. Anyone without relevant proof of identification will not be allowed to borrow books from the library.
Article 4
Max volumes allowed to be borrowed and loan period
- Full-time and part-time faculty members: 60 books, 3 months
- Graduate students: 60 books, 2 months
- Undergraduate students, teaching assistants, staff, project assistants, maintenance workers: 30 books, 1 month
- Alumni, retired staff, and students of NTNU Extension , School of Continuing Education: 10 books, 1 month
- Other personnel: 5 books, 1 month
Article 5
Borrowed books can be renewed if there are no reservations for the said books made by other readers. Each book can only be renewed once.
Article 6
Journals in Chinese and Western languages, bulletins, collection of papers, tests in print, dictionaries in Chinese and Western languages, and books labeled “restricted access” are only to be accessed within the library. These materials are neither to be borrowed or removed from the library.
Article 7
For the loan of videotapes, audiotapes, projection slides, and CD-ROMs, faculty members who require these materials for teaching purposes enjoy priority in access. Faculty members may borrow up to 3 items for a period of 2 weeks; graduate students and undergraduate students may borrow up to 2 items for a period of 1 week. Other personnel are only allowed to access the materials within the library and may not loan or remove them from the library.
Article 8
A fine of NT$5 per day per item will be levied on items that are overdue.
Article 9
For students in the Master of Education Program, the highest volume of book loans takes place during the summer vacation. As such, part-time student employees working in the library are to compile a list of the books borrowed by students in the Master of Education Program before the end of the summer vacation. The list will be shared with the supervisor of each Master of Education Program cohort to remind the students to return the books on time.
Article 10
If books borrowed are lost or damaged, the borrower is to compensate the library by buying the same book and returning it to the library. If the book is not available for purchase, compensation shall be sought in one of the following ways:
- A newer edition of the book can be used to replace the old one, subject to the library’s approval and the condition that the price of the new book cannot be lower than the price of the old one.
- Compensation in cash. The fine shall be determined through the following ways, in order of priority:
- 3 times the purchase price of the book, according to the library records, and after adjusting for inflation using the price index.
- If the purchase price cannot be determined, the fine will be calculated based on the number of pages in the lost item. For books in Chinese, the borrower will be charged NT$ 3 per page; for books in foreign languages, the borrower will be charged NT$ 10 per page. If the number of pages cannot be determined, it will be assumed that the lost item contains 300 pages.
- If the lost or damaged book belongs to a series or collection of books, the fine will be determined using the method described in the preceding paragraph and then doubled.
- Regardless of the method of compensation, a processing fee of NT$100 will be charged for each lost or damaged item.
- Borrowers paying for lost or damaged items by cash are to complete the compensation process
- within two weeks after the loss or damage has been reported. Borrowers purchasing a new book are to complete the compensation process within two weeks if the book is published locally, and within four months if the book is published overseas. Borrowers who exceed the deadline for the compensation process shall be taken as being overdue in returning the books, and they shall be charged an overdue fine on top of their existing fine.
Article 11
The opening hours of the library of the department will be announced every semester.
No visitors are allowed to enter the library out of service time.
Article 12
Please leave your personal belongings in a locker when entering the library.
Article 13
The management policy has been approved for the implementation in the departmental meetings.
The same process has been approved when there are amendments made to the content.
The Chinese version shall prevail in case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese version.
英文期刊 English Language Journals
- American Annals of the Deaf
- American Journal of Occupational Therapy
- American Journal on Mental Retardation
- Anxiety Stress and Coping
- Assessment for Effective Intervention
- Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps Membership(original Title:Research and practice for persons with severe disabilities)
- Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties
- AUTISM:the international journal of research and practice
- Behavioral Disorders:Journal of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders
- Behavior Modification
- Brain
- Brain and Cognition
- British Journal of Special Education
- Career Development for Exceptional Individuals
- Child:Care, Health and Development
- Creative Kids
- Creativity Research Journal
- Deafness and Education International
- (續訂Renew subscription)Education & Training in Autism & Developmental Disabilities(original title: Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities
- Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties
- Evaluation and Program Planning
- Exceptional Children
- Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
- Focus on Exceptional Children
- Gifted Child Quarterly
- Gifted Child Today
- Gifted Education International
- Infants and Young Children
- Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
- International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
- International Journal of Rehabilitation Research
- Intervention in School and Clinic
- Journal for the Education of the Gifted
- Journal for the of Social Behaviour
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
- Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
- Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
- Journal of Communication Disorders
- Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
- Journal of Early Intervention
- Journal of Emotional and Behavior Disorders
- Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability
- Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
- Journal of Learning Disabilities
- Journal of Music Therapy
- Journal of Policy & Practice in Intellectual Disabilities
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
- Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
- (續訂Renew subscription)Journal of Rehabilitation
- Journal of Research Reading
- Journal of Special Education
- Journal of Special Education Technology
- Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness
- Learning Disabilities Research and Practice
- Learning Disability Quarterly
- Literacy
- (續訂Renew subscription)New Mobility
- (續訂Renew subscription)Paraplegia News
- Psychological Assessment
- Psychology in the Schools
- Remedial and Special Education
- Research in Developmental Disabilities
- Roeper Review
- School Psychology International
- School Psychology Review
- Sexuality and Disability
- Sign Language Studies
- Teacher Education and Special Education
- Teaching Exceptional Children
- Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
- Volta Review
- Volta Voices
日文期刊 Japanese Language Journals
1.Audiology Japan
中文期刊 Chinese Language Journals